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Skincare Holy Grail

Despite it being summer my skin does not stop craving hydration. Now, depending on your skin type, this routine may vary as I have v dry skin and if you have oily, maybe don't use the same moisturizers. You should know your skin type, sensitivity, etc. I have rosacea (red, dry, bumpy skin) on the side of my face that is very high maintenance and does not seem to want to go away. I have been trying different products to see what works best and nothing has really stood out until now. For those that don't know, which I'm sure I haven't mentioned, I have a slight obsession with lip balm and constantly have it on. I felt the need to share my 'go-to' lip care product, pretty basic, just some EOS.


I believe this EOS lip balm is vanilla mint scented.

Some Simple toner to make sure my oilier areas aren't breaking out, especially during certain times of the month. This is great for those with sensitive skin (which I do have) and just tingles, doesn't burn or feel uncomfortable.

Vaseline! This is by far a HOLY GRAIL for the dryness. Though it doesn't feel the most pleasant, and it's thick af, putting this under regular moisturizer, just locks in the 'smoothness' and keeps my face feeling soft.

On top of the Vaseline, I put this Body Shop Body Butter on. Layering this helps a lot with making me skin softer, slightly less red and overall improves it. Not to mention it smells heavenly!

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