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First Day of School | Sophomore Year

The time has finally come. The worst day of the year. Back to school. I'm beginning my sophomore year which I'm not too excited about, mainly because it means waking up early and doing work. I'm making this post mainly to look back on in future years. I've watched quite a few videos on Youtube about "GRWM: First Day of School" which initially put the thought in my mind. I have been dreading this day since the first day of summer. I thought I would make this post to get something out of a painful day. I'm writing this the night before so I'm not rushing when I get home. I'm not too nervous for tomorrow as just sad that my vacation is over. I'm gonna tell you my initial thoughts on going back (the night before) and how things actually turned out.


I got my schedule about a week ago and I posted it on my social medias to see if I have classes with any friends. I have a few classes with some people I know. I'm pretty happy with the placement of my subjects. I have math and science in two different semesters which is good because I often struggle with physics in science and algebra in math. I'm scared for English because my teacher is supposedly not the best at teaching and gives a ton of homework which isn't a good combination. My first semester is gonna be a bit difficult because I have English first period then Civic and Careers then Science followed by lunch and lastly Communication Technology. I already have my outfit picked out, it's simple, a tee shirt and leggings. It's going to be 35C out so I don't want to wear something pretty and be hot and uncomfortable all day. One thing I'm not looking forward to, I think it's my biggest worry (other than English) is I won't be able to fall asleep or I won't wake up on time. Anyway I'm sure it'll be fine considering I'm at the same school with the same people and generally know whereabouts my classes are. I also have the same locker as freshman year so I'm relieved about that.


I just got back from my first day and as I expected it could've been better but it could've also been worse. Let's start with first period. My English class sounds agonizingly painful. I sit awkwardly between two people I hardly know because my teacher likes to have seating alphabetical order. She seems like my old math teacher, the average teacher. I strongly dislike the fact that out of 5 units 3 will have oral presentations. I personally don't like her all that much but she could be worse like the head of the English department. Not naming any names but if you attend the same high school as I do then you'll know who I am talking about. Moving on to second period, Civics and Careers. We're starting with Careers which is the better unit supposedly. The people in my class would not stop talking the entire period. My teacher is extremely nice and seems like he'll make an effort to teach us. There isn't much else to say other than he's really chill. Third period is science which I hate. The people are obnoxiously loud and rude toward the teacher who seems like a decent human being. She is very nice but also overly strict. She insists on following the school board's rules which is sort of annoying. Her main focus is on chemistry which is my favourite science unit. After science I have lunch which was the relief of my day. After I had Communication Tech. which is by far my favourite class. The teacher reminds me of my old science teacher that I loved. I also have one of my best friends in the class with me and it seems we're going to do quite a bit of group work which doesn't bother me as long as I have someone to work with. I expect most of my homework to come from my science and English class which are the worst classes but it's only one semester so I'll live. That was pretty much my day and my thoughts and opinions of my teachers and classes.

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