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Back-to-School Haul

I am going into my sophomore year and because I got my schedule today I finished up the last bit of back-to-school shopping I needed to do. Quite a bit of my supplies are from last year because my binders and pencil case are still in pretty good shape. I got some essentials, like lined paper, and other little things like pencils and highlighters. I'll link where I got most of my supplies on the pictures below.


1 1/2 inch binders

Rather than using coil notebooks or composition books I just use plain lined and hole punched paper for writing. When it comes to taking notes on books or work I got some lined sticky notes because I cannot write straight without lines for the life of me. I got highlighters to colour code things, and pencil crayons and markers in case I need them for whatever reason. I got my favorite mechanical pencils which are Bic and one usually lasts me the entire year. This is all for first semester but second semester is pretty much the same but with new pens and little things like that.

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