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Reverse S'mores

Lately I find I have been gripping on to the last couple weeks of summer before school begins again. I've found my self going for walks on nice days, and enjoying summer treats such as ice cream cones and even s'mores. I made reverse s'mores which contain Oreo cookie, white chocolate and marshmallows, as apposed to traditional s'mores which have graham crackers, milk chocolate and marshmallows. These take hardly any time to make and you don't need a bonfire to toast the marshmallows either.



Oreo cookie (minus the icing)

Marshmallows (I used one massive one but 4 mini ones would work too)

White chocolate (I used chips but squares will work as well)


Prep time: 1 minute

Cooking time: 2-4 minutes (450F)



1. Separate Oreo cookies halves and then remove icing

2. Put hite chocolate on the Oreo cookie

3. Squish down the marshmallow and put it on top of the chocolate (if you put the chocolate on top it will get toasted rather than the marshmallow)

4. Cook at 450F for 2-4 minutes, depending how well done you like your marshmallows

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