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I Am Back!! {Life Update}

So, it's been a while since I've posted. I'm aware. Between school and work and literally everything I found it became v difficult to upload regularly. I'm still not quite sure I will be posting weekly, or even monthly (although I will try my very best). For those who have yet to read my "bio" I was a sophomore, just completed grade 10 and am currently going into grade 11. Now, here in Canada (pretty sure it's the same in all provinces & territories) you can get you G1, which is pretty much a drivers permit, at the age of 16, which I just turned, 4 days ago actually. So on July 1st (happy 150 Canada!) and on July 2nd, I began my in class driving school, and have yet to take my G1 test. So I don't want to bore you too much but I have to read the handbook, study, finish the classes and write the test.

Alsooo, I finished exams which my last one was on the 27th of June. It was the very last exam which felt like it would never come, but as soon as the hour and a half was over I finally felt freedom. Since the March break, I had zero motivation to finish school with all of the culminating, summatives, exams and the stress of it all, I dreaded it for the longest time. But luckily, it is now out of the way for another month and a bit (until it starts all over again).

Another thing that has kept me busy is my part time job!!! Like any other teen my age I have a job that kept me busy during the weekends during the school year and now even more so that school is done. Not much more to say than that.

And the last thing that was very recent was my birthday weekend! I won't go into detail because this post would be wayyy too long but I'll insert some pictures of it (most are on my Instagram).


Me and Ky

Kawartha Dairy has the best ice cream!!!

Swimming in vvv shallow water but fun nonetheless.

I look kind of fed up because it took sooo long to get a good photo & water kept getting in the phone case.

And finally, to sum up this update post, some pictures of me and Ky from my birthday dinner.

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